
Working the competency profile

Monday – my first real day as hunter. Never has seeking out new challenges required more preliminary footwork of me.

The last time I did this exercise it was a part of my final assignments at journalism school. It wasn’t that hard listing the skills and experiences I had at the time, because there weren’t really that many.

Almost 11 years later I find the list runs a fair bit longer. Lining all the things I’m good at along with all the experiences I’ve earned/had is now quite a task. And I really curse myself for not keeping this updated.

I’ve been fortunate to have an Outplacement Bureau help me with this (and other) tasks. But I still have to do the lion’s share of the work. And that is exactly the point.

By emptying my head and writing down every detail that comes to mind I’m forced to reflect on my working life – from the early days in the very beginning of the 90’s, where some friends and I hosted a radio show for young people up to today where I recently had lunch and discussed media with the CEO of the international corporation I worked for.

The quest is NOT to forget anything and figure out whether adding some things bring more or less value to the final document than others.

I have to hand in the Competency Profile doc by tomorrow afternoon.

It’s a brain job – but some’s got to do it 🙂

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